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* Membership level
      • $40 for a single membership with an email address.
      • Persons of limited means please contact us.

This is a one-time fee, no renewals are necessary. If you relocate within Canada, you can ask to be transferred to another memorial society.

Membership Package

    1. A copy of the Member’s Handbook with information about: simple funerals, burials, cremations, bequeathal to medical science, death benefits, prepayment and other helpful information.
    2. Death Care Costs: an annual survey of sample costs of death care services across Ontario
    3. Death Care Planning Form.
    4. Instructions to help you complete the form(s).
    5. Membership card template to keep on your person (in case of accidental death). This card has space to fill in the name of your next of kin and your funeral provider.

What are our credentials?

Incorporated under the Ontario Corporations Act. We are a democratic, non-sectarian organization, with an unpaid volunteer Board of Trustees, elected at an annual general meeting usually held in Ontario each May or June. Everyone is welcome to attend the AGM.

Computers and the internet have changed memorial societies, including the Federation of Ontario Memorial Societies – Funeral Consumers Alliance in recent years.  FOOMS-FCA member societies decided that their members could be served more efficiently by merging into one memorial society with a provincial-wide basis, The Funeral Advisory and Memorial Society (FAMS).

The Chair of the Government Relations Committee continues to meet with government officials and to alert them to consumer concerns, particularly as they relate to The Funeral, Burial and Cremations Services Act and Regulations, The Bereavement Authority of Ontario and the Coroner’s Act.

Still have unanswered questions?

Email us at info@fams.ca or call us at 416-241-6274.

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